Jean Moroney
Ramping Back Up After You’ve Been Off Your Routine

Ramping Back Up After You’ve Been Off Your Routine

I'm an advocate of routines — highly individualized routines. A good routine ensures you do what's best for you, without a lot of time or trouble. For example, routines for getting up and going to bed protect your time for sleep. When you're sleepy — in the morning or...

Listening vs. Reading vs. Talking vs. Writing

Listening vs. Reading vs. Talking vs. Writing

In the age of streaming video and audiobooks, many people turn to listening as their primary way of learning new ideas. This has some cognitive risks that aren't generally considered. If you are concerned with your operational intelligence, i.e., your ability to think...

Three Ways a Central Purpose Makes You Happier

Three Ways a Central Purpose Makes You Happier

Elsewhere I have argued on the importance of having a central purpose. To refresh your recollection, "a central purpose is the long-range goal that constitutes the primary claimant on a man’s time, energy, and resources." (Leonard Peikoff, OPAR). Recently I've been...

Book Recommendation:  The Posture Workbook  by Carolyn Nicholls

Book Recommendation: The Posture Workbook
by Carolyn Nicholls

Much chronic pain can be eliminated by better posture, but good posture cannot be forced. Rules such as "stand up straight" and "don't slouch" can do more harm than good. Until it is fully automatized, a change in posture needs to be initiated and maintained...

The Focus Sprint

The Focus Sprint

For years, I've been arguing against a simplistic "just do it" approach to getting things done. That approach uses pressure as the prime motivator. But pressure sabotages your ability to think clearly and creatively. The alternative I developed is self-direction, a...

Effort, St. Swithins!

Effort, St. Swithins!

My mother had a few one-liners she used to encourage us. If you were in a funk, she would say, "You need to stand on your head." If you faced a daunting task, she would say, "Effort, St. Swithins!" I never did learn how to stand on my head, nor why St. Swithins should...

Three Misconceptions Concerning Analyzing Negatives

Three Misconceptions Concerning Analyzing Negatives

      In my previous article titled So You Hate Your Job, I said, When you feel forced into a decision to take a job, it means you need to seriously look at the negatives of not taking the job. My Thinking Labber joked about being homeless if he didn't...

So You Hate Your Job

So You Hate Your Job

I had an interesting conversation the other day with a Thinking Lab member who has hated his job off and on for a long time and wants to do something constructive about it. The key word here is "constructive." People "hate" all kinds of things: the culture, how their...

Thoughts on Keeping the Holidays Happy

Thoughts on Keeping the Holidays Happy

It's a bromide that the holiday season can be stressful. There are plenty of reasons for that. Likely you have more social engagements than usual, so you have less time to yourself. You may undertake several seasonal projects with firm deadlines — decorating the...

Thoughts on Sticking to a Deadline for Writing Work

Thoughts on Sticking to a Deadline for Writing Work

If you've read my newsletter for a long time, you know a few things about my thoughts related to working on a deadline. I don't think it is ever wise to suppress your emotions (barring a literal life-and-death emergency) — a related discussion is here.  Based on this...

Further Thoughts on “Motivation by Love”

Further Thoughts on “Motivation by Love”

I was recently interviewed on the Yaron Brook Show on the topic of "Motivation by Love." The main point of the interview is that it's important to go deeper to understand the source of your motivation for any action. The fundamental motivation needs to be the desire...

Chewing Ayn Rand’s Ideas on Happiness

Chewing Ayn Rand’s Ideas on Happiness

I have been reading and thinking about one paragraph a day from "Galt's Speech" from Atlas Shrugged. When I got to paragraph 75, I decided it needed two days of thinking. Then I decided I should share my chewing of this meaty and important paragraph with you. Here is...

Thoughts on Despair

Thoughts on Despair

Recently I've been discussing the need to reboot your thinking when you are in a dysfunctional state. The emotion of despair deserves special attention under this heading. Unlike other emotions, the emotion of despair always indicates a mistake somewhere in your...

Intense Emotional Conflict as a Dysfunctional State

Intense Emotional Conflict as a Dysfunctional State

In my previous article, I explained what dysfunctional states are and why you need to "reboot" your mind when you get into one. But I kept to the simple ones: overload, confusion, and blankness. Conflict, meaning the experience of emotions pulling you in multiple...

The Need to Reboot Your Thinking

The Need to Reboot Your Thinking

    “Thinking” is a purposeful process of integrating new observations with your existing knowledge and values to reach new conclusions.   It is not a passive state of registering random impressions. It is an actively sustained process of identifying...

Thoughts on “Overthinking”

Thoughts on “Overthinking”

After back-and-forths with some Thinking Labbers, I've got a lead to what causes some people to bog down in thinking about issues and never get into action. It's popular to say that such people are "overthinking" and need "a bias for action." But inaction is a symptom...

Distinguish Values and Emotions

Distinguish Values and Emotions

Some people muddle together values and emotions when they discuss motivation. These are two very different (though causally related) phenomena. Some people get confused about the roles of thought and action in forming values and triggering emotions. I thought I'd sort...

The Value of Knowing Definitions

The Value of Knowing Definitions

When I was a graduate student studying Objectivism, my professor, Harry Binswanger, required that I memorize all of the definitions that are mentioned in Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand. One or more of them appeared on every exam. Thanks to this assignment, I...

The 3-Minute Walk

The 3-Minute Walk

As soon as you finish reading this article, I recommend that you take out your smartphone, open the stopwatch app, start the timer, and then march out of the building. Keep going until the stopwatch hits 90 seconds, then turn around and come back. You will have...

How to Deal with a Defense Value of Approval

How to Deal with a Defense Value of Approval

When the desire for approval is driving many decisions, it is a "defense value." It distorts your choices and actions and undercuts your successes and sense of self. Fortunately, this is a problem that can be remedied by taking an active approach to reprogramming your...

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