Thinker's ToolkitThe Thinker’s Toolkit

The Thinker’s Toolkit explains the mental tools you need to solve problems faster, understand emotions, and make better decisions.

These time-tested tactics come with some material support: a 4-color pen, a thinking notebook, and “mental cleanup” pads.

Order yours today for only $40 or get the PDF of just the 56-page manual for only $20!

Please select the appropriate Cart button.

PDF of Thinker’s Toolkit manual
Thinker’s Toolkit — Ship to USA Only

Sorry, we don’t ship out of the USA anymore, because it’s not practical. This will change when we can get it in print at Amazon. In the meantime, we recommend the PDF version.

Or read about the contents in this blog post on the Top Ten Thinking Tactics…


Achieve a Major Goal in 8 Weeks

Now is always a good time to pick up the pace and focus your energy. You don’t want to let your great intentions dissolve into inertia or get lost in the daily routine.

Jump start your project by joining me for the next Launch. By participating in this program, you will:

  • Set a goal or resolution that makes a material difference to your health, wealth, or relationships, which you will achieve in 8 weeks
  • Troubleshoot and overcome any practical difficulties that stand in your way
  • Build measurable emotional resilience to draw on as you pursue other challenging goals in the coming year

This program addresses all of the problems that come up when you start a self-study course or join a structured program.

Click here to read more about Launch.

Image of paper plane cutting through turbulenceDo What Matters Most

Despite Uncertainty, Temptation, and Resistance
A 6-hour Recorded Class

This class teaches a radically positive approach to doing challenging work. In this class, you will learn:

  • How to quickly untangle confusion about what matters most now
  • The #1 tool for focusing your mind on your top priority
  • The key to disarming temptations that pull you off course
  • How to handle resistance without just resorting to pressuring yourself
  • The power of your mind to motivate what matters most

Click here to read more about Do What Matters Most.

Tap Your Own Brilliance CD SetTap Your Own Brilliance

A 6-hour Recorded Class

You already know what you need to know to complete most of the complex items on your To Do list. There’s just one problem. You can’t always access the information when you need it.

We’ve all felt stuck in our thinking at times — though you may have called it “procrastinating” or “bogging down” or “going in circles.”  A few basic tools can slay these dragons.

If you want to speed up the process, and learn to access what you already know when you need it, you can learn how in my 4-session course, Tap Your Own Brilliance. This class presents the core toolset you need to pull helpful information out of your own brain, and use it to solve problems faster, make better decisions, and communicate more effectively.

Click here to read more about Tap Your Own Brilliance.

Upcoming Events

Ask Me Anything!

A Free  1-Hour Webinar

This is an open Q&A.

I am happy to talk on topics from motivation to logic, from morality to objective communication, from introspection to theories of memory and affect. And I am happy to coach you on your particular issues.

Thursday, August 22, 2024
12 noon – 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Read more and register!

RCC image of two heads

How to Have Rational Conversations on Emotionally-Charged Topics

A 4-Day Communication Intensive
for People Who Wish Everyone Were Rational

Thursday, November 7 – Sunday, November 10, 2024
Naples, Florida
$1497 per person (includes 2 months in the Thinking Lab)

Pre-register now: Save $150 and pay in 3 installments

Read more and register!

See All

Screen Shot of Jean on ZoomMembership Program:
The Thinking Lab

My membership program, the Thinking Lab, includes access to all my past and present work, and a sneak preview of upcoming offerings. Each month in the Thinking Lab, I offer two new videoseminars on topics of interest to members. Members also can access a large library of tactics and recordings of a dozen past classes, including Just-in-Time Planning and Smarter Execution.

Read more about the Thinking Lab here.    

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