Finishing Sooner Rather Than Later
Thank you for registering for this free 1-Hour webinar.
This event was recently held.
Here is the latest audio recording:
Finishing Sooner Rather Than Later (12/21/23) (click here to download. If that doesn’t work, right click and choose save link as)
In my Launch program, most participants indeed achieve a major goal in 8 weeks. How do they do that? In this free Zoom call, I will explain the unique goal-setting and planning process that makes this possible. You will learn:
- The #1 thing you need to do to ensure you get meaningful results on a deadline
- The sticking point in implementing this advice and how to overcome it
- How you can “always be finishing” and why that will make you happier
This is a teaser for the Just-in-Time Planning workshop and my Launch program.

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